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How to take advantage of Virginia Tech’s open access policy

How to take advantage of Virginia Tech’s open access policy

Since March 2021, all Virginia Tech researchers can provide immediate open access to the accepted version of scholarly articles through the university’s repository, VTechWorks, regardless of their copyright transfer agreement. This session helps researchers understand and use the policy, including version preparation, ways to deposit, and article discovery. Open access to peer reviewed research is vital to scholars and citizens globally, and authors benefit through greater readership, downloads, and citations. This session is open to all faculty, staff, and students.

Register:  https://profdev.tlos.vt.edu/browse/outreach/courses/lib99-031725

If you are an individual with a disability and desire an accommodation, welcome! Please email library-event-accessibility@groups.office365.vt.edu at least 10 days prior to the event. 

Related LibGuide: Open Access Policy at Virginia Tech by Ginny Pannabecker

Monday, March 17, 2025
2:30pm - 3:30pm
    Faculty/Staff       Graduate Students       Postdoc       Researchers  

Event Contact

Philip Young

Institutional Repository Manager, VTechWorks
