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Open Access & Evidence Synthesis

Open Access & Evidence Synthesis

This session will begin with a discussion on how open access supports several aspects of the evidence synthesis process. We’ll explore the value of having open access sources to include in the synthesis itself and some challenges that must be overcome when searching and accessing sources that require institutional access or are fee-based. We will also address ways to utilize open access repositories (such as VTechWorks and Open Science Framework) to make your synthesis more transparent so that others can properly evaluate, replicate, or use your synthesis. Additionally, we will hear cases from folks who have used open access resources or repositories as a means to support their evidence synthesis projects.

[If you are interested in this session, check out the Evidence Synthesis Workshop Series]

If you are an individual with a disability and desire an accommodation, please email library-event-accessibility-g@vt.edu at least 10 business days prior to the event.

Monday, October 25, 2021
2:00pm - 3:30pm
    Alumni       Beginners       Faculty/Staff       Graduate Students       Public       Undergraduates  
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Event Contact

Profile photo of Ginny Pannabecker
Ginny Pannabecker

Assistant Dean and Director, Research Collaboration and Engagement


Profile photo of Cozette Comer
Cozette Comer

Evidence Synthesis Services Coordinator